Thursday, March 5, 2015

Glaze Day Once Again

Day; 49. Sunny but cold. Doesn't feel like spring is any time soon! Temperature out outside kiln; 25

It must be in the air; all the potters I follow on Instagram are glazing today as well! Dozens of worker-bee potters mixing, stirring, pouring, dipping, painting.... I guess it's good to know that I am in good company. I suppose this flurry of glazing  is due to  so many of them  sending work next week to Rhode Island for the gigantic clay conference starting at the end of this month. I glazed my last two pieces for NCECA today myself,  so.... it's up to the kiln gods now.....
I love being in such good company at the annual La Mesa/NCECA  show put on by Santa Fe Clay. All of my ceramic heroes will be showing there and then there is me, little ol' Maggie Mae from New Mexico... It's like showing your paintings with Matisse and Picasso, a bit intimidating. On Instagram today I saw Sue Tirrell's submission; all I could think of was "please don't put my work next to her's, it is too good!" Just now I looked at her website in order to activate the link to her name and Jesus, I am sorry I did! It is really spectacular.! The carving on her pieces is so wonderful, I actually would love to have one but am like the cobbler who has no shoes, I can't afford  my own work or anyone else's at the present moment.

Today was actually only day 1 of three days of glazing to do, I will finish up the load going into the big kiln tomorrow and then continue on Saturday for the third and final day with the last load for the small kiln. After both cool for 15-20 hours, I will have one more image transfer  firing  to complete  for all the pieces. I hope to be done by late Tuesday so I can sand, price and load the truck on Wednesday. I do not want to be unloading kilns on Thursday, the same day I have to go put up the show in Albuquerque. I am hoping Pepe the intern will be assisting me with all these duties....
My usual studio assistant Oso is a bit clumsy and tends to get distracted.....

 The World's Messiest Potter calling it a day and jumping into a hot bath to soak, dark beer in hand. 
Is this dangerous? To be continued.... 

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