Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Kiln Gods Don't like Cookies....

Day; 90. Sunny and warm. Beautiful. Temperature on outside kiln; 60

I guess Santa/Kiln Gods don't like chocolate macaroons.... When I got up this morning expecting the kiln to be off and cooling it was still going and short 50 degrees of cone 6, this was after 14 hours. It usually takes about 8.9-9 hours to get to temperature...

 I guess you can't quite see that the computer on the kiln reads 2167, it should read 2210 degrees.
 Really stressful as half the clay fair show is in the kiln and there is no time to have it cool and then re-fire. But I plugged up the last peep and waited another 2 hours and finally after 16 hours is was off. That is exactly twice the amount of time it usually takes. I will have to add a few dollars to each piece, that is a lot of electricity to keep it red hot for so many hours, arggggg......Looks like a have an element or two that need replacing....Why does the kiln only need repairs right before my biggest show!!??

But the day turned around and it was a lovely afternoon in the end. Packed up a large wholesale order and started on pricing and packing the show for this weekend. I then had a student for 3-5, which was really fun. I showed Kris how to use paper patterns and we had a great ol' time making cups out of folded and darted slabs....

I had forgotten how fun and exciting this way of working can be. I am usually too impatient to do all that handbuilding and just want to get on the wheel and throwing some. So much faster but not nearly as interesting form-wise. Teabowls and wine cups are drying upside down and getting ready for their bottoms to be applied.....Hey, I want to make some of  those now!

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