Saturday, April 25, 2015

CCF is here...

Day; 94. Beautiful spring day. Temperature on outside kiln; 54

Got up at 5:45, grinding coffee beans in the studio so as not to wake up the rest of the house. Off to the show at 6:15, very smooth set-up and opening. A crowd of customers waiting at the front door by 9am for a show that opens at 10am, I guess it is a success!

Sold tons of cups and mugs of course but I have a lot of plates left over! That is fine, Eldorado Studio Tour right around the corner and first I am going to Sonoma, so if it sells tomorrow, great, if it doesn't sell tomorrow, great!

 I don't know whose idea it was to book me back to back cashier shifts in the morning chaos-free-for-all-grab-pots-as-fast-as-you-can scene, but it killed me and I spent the rest of the day trying to recover! This was the first clay fair at which I had to lay down and take a nap from 3:30-4:30 but I made it to Harry's Roadhouse by 5:15 for the strongest/biggest cosmo that they would serve me. My friend/accomplice/partner in crime Jackie was invaluable help all day and I don't know how I would ever figure out Ipads-hotspots-Paypal without her. We rock! Hundreds of pots sold between the 31 potters at the show and we still have all day tomorrow...see you there....

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