Saturday, April 4, 2015

If It's Saturday I Must be in the Railyard

Day; 75. Mostly sunny, windy in Eldorado, but fairly warm. Temperature on outside kiln; 58

Now that we have turned out clocks ahead an hour, getting up at 5:30 is really getting up at 4:30, just sayin'.
And in fact that is the only hard thing about doing the Artist's Market on Saturdays,  the f*cking early start time! Really?, set-up my tent in the dark at 6am?  It's not even the hour that is so hard, it is the requirement of hard physical labor at that hour that is challenging. I like to ease into my morning and unloading  a truck full of tables, weights and heavy ceramics in the cold and dark doesn't really consitute ease by any stretch of the imagination.
This morning however I was treated with a lovely surprise; as I was pulling out of Eldorado I noticed the full moon looked a bit strange. It was full yes, but only a sliver of it was lit up and on the opposite side of the rising sun?! I felt like someone in the middle ages wondering what this strange celestial event might presage. Well, I finally figured out that last night there was an eclipse of the moon and for once I was actually up and awake   in order to see it! Bonus! There are good reasons sometimes to be up that early, sometimes...

And after listening to the howling wind all night and wondering how the hell I was going to keep my booth from becoming a sail, it actually was quite nice in town with no wind to speak of as opposed to Wind-o-rado where I live. So it turned into a very nice morning with customers from Denver, LA, China, and of course Texas, always Texas. They talk funny but they like to shop so you gotta love em'. After my weekly lavender and blue corn donut to jump start my system, I ended up having some good sales. I even sold  a piece I have been lugging around for at least a year, and getting good money for it.  I love getting rid of old pieces, such a sense of satisfaction that it has  found a good home at last. Like the mutt at the animal shelter that has finally found his forever humans....
I look forward to next Saturday when I can hang out in the sun with my artists buddies, make money, and connect with people from all over the world. See you here...... I hope next week....

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