Saturday, April 18, 2015

Life at 7000ft. in Altitude

Day; 87. OMG, 4 inches of snow this morning when I woke up. GIVE ME A BREAK!  It's April 18th isn't it!? There goes all the fruit in New Mexico for the summer, bummer! Temperature on outside kiln; 42

It being Saturday, I would normally be at the Farmers Market selling my pots but this weekend I am home trying to sleep in a little and then get up and get ready for the Clay Fair next weekend. I woke up at 6am anyway and was thinking the tree out front looked a little strange. It didn't hit me immediately and then I realized it was because it was covered in snow?! WTF! It's April 18th.....

So glad I was not out in the Railyard trying to put up my tent and work in this wet heavy stuff. The Market was probably cancelled anyway. Instead I went down to the coffee shop and got myself a strong cup of joe and my usual blue corn and lavender donut. Just because I'm not out selling doesn't mean I have to miss my Saturday morning breakfast!
And I needed it, Pepe-the-hard-working-intern  and I put images on plates and bowls for hours together and then I got giddy and had to take a nap. Kiln locked and loaded around 5, only an 11 hour day, but we had fun and here is our favorite new design for this week;

I would eat off of this plate, just sayin'.  Love this cute little elephant, he just seems so shy, like he's peeking around a corner and whispering hello. Do elephants whisper?!, I expect not, but maybe this one does...

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