Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Secretly Lazy and Fun-loving Person

Day; 42. Sunny and warmer, not so brutally cold. A bit breezy. Temperature on outside kiln; 29

Firings; Unloaded glaze kiln at 3:30 after cooling for 15-16 hours.

Non-studio day  which felt good after 2 intense days of non-stop glazing. Sang with the girls in the garage band and had fun working on some dance tunes. My favorite song to sing right now is; I Want You Back by the Jackson Five. Love to hear Michael Jackson sing as a younger kid, such a great voice and stage presence. So cute too, I wish he had just left his physical self alone, it was quite enough as it was.... no need to alter anything really...

I came home and took a nap and slowly wandered into the studio. Unloaded the glaze kiln and readied my self and work space for a big day of image transfer tomorrow. For two seconds I felt guilty about not really working today and then I reminded myself that prosperity and a-bun-dance ( a dance involving shaking your booty around?!) are  emotional states and have nothing whatsoever to do with effort! Jesus God, what a radical statement for a daughter-of-the-great-depression parents. I can hear my father roaring "what????, you can't be serious.."

But I am. It just flies right in the face of everything my parents taught me about the Protestant work effort and so has been, and remains to be a  bit, a giant leap of faith for me. But deep down inside I agree with Esther Hicks who purports that feeling good ( consistently focusing on good-feeling thoughts) is what tunes us to the abundance of the universe in all aspects,  not just dollars. I just know that this is so,  I can feel it.  Being happy, joyous, and content is what makes my life flow with ease, not slaving away in the studio until my body gives out. But this  is just so polar opposite to what was ingrained very deeply in me as a youngster that I have to constantly remind myself of what I actually believe. I am a lazy, fun-loving, happy person in training. So, I challenge my friends,  go ahead,  invite me out to coffee, and see if I don't say yes these days instead of no....

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