Monday, June 29, 2015

Back in the Saddle

Day; 140. Sunny and warm but with monsoon clouds in the afternoon. Temperature on outside kiln; 80 degrees.

I keep getting e-mails from the Crested Butte Art Festival telling me how many more days until the show, they are scaring me! Is this intentional?! I know I only have another month until my only  big summer show and I am working as fast as I can, ok?!
But a girl has to eat, walk her dogs, do her laundry, clean house, sing in the band, etc....  But I did get started today in earnest with the help of Instagram. Sometimes I just don't have enough juice in the morning to get into the studio and really  roll so I cruise other potters pages until I feel inspired/juiced up/envious enough to race in there and start to produce...  it usually works....

The two potters I was obsessed with today were;

Heather Smit 

and Katy Drijber

I love how loose and expressive both of these women's work is. Heather's forms are so interesting and the surfaces are to die for, but that is wood firing for ya...  However no more staying up all night throwing wood into a kiln 24/7 for 3 days for me... I'm too old and lazy now but it was great fun in  grad school...

Katy's work is also made without a wheel, just balls of clay pinched between her fingers; so loose, lively, and really letting the clay speak for itself. I love how she uses the most ancient of all forming methods, no high tech pots here!
Here is what I made after settling down into my own studio (vases for the CB show next month..)

Feels good to get back to a little handbuilding... sometimes the wheel can be seductive and yet not the best tool in the box for that day/idea....

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