Thursday, January 21, 2016

Other Income Streams

Day; 246. Sunny, very crisp!
Temperature on outside kiln; 45 degrees
kiln firings; none
music in the studio; none

Happiest moment of my day; Nap at around 3pm.

No studio work again today, not feeling the pull, soon however, wait for it, wait for it.....

Spent the day working on a long workbook/tutorial for students and my Etsy shop, only took me about a year to get it together, but I  should have it listed by tomorrow hopefully.. I figure some passive income streams like this, where I don't have to create inventory, might be just the thing for times like these...

I also contacted the Santa Fe University of Art and Design about teaching positions. I know they have a small ceramics studio and may need someone to teach one of their classes so I put the word out, one never knows what kind of serendipity might occur... (practicing throwing myself in the river and seeing where I end up).

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