To Reject; verb," refuse to accept, discard as useless or unsatisfactory. To cast out or eject, to vomit."
Well I didn't vomit but I was cast out and discarded as unsatisfactory. This is the 3rd year in a row that the Cherry Creek Art Festival won't have me so I guess this relationship is kaput. After getting into the show in 2011 and 20112, I didn't make the final cut in 2013 & 2014, and as of last night, I won't be driving to Denver over 4th of July weekend this year either. And maybe that's ok, where oh where was I going to get the $800. booth fee in January anyway? And isn't doing the Contemporary Clay Fair in April, the Studio Tour in May and Cherry Creek 6 weeks later a bit insane? Can I really come up with 3 solid bodies of work consecutively without straining my body, my marriage, my dog's patience? No I really can't, believe me I've tried and it ain't pretty.
Unfortunately, I am on the waiting list for the Scottsdale Arts Festival in March as well, 0 for 2 so far in 2015..WTF!? How is an artist suppose to budget? pay her bills? have a vacation once in a while for god's sake?! I refuse to either panic or be depressed however, I've just been doing this for too many years now to let it get to me. My skin grows thicker by the year. I admit it is a bit annoying nevertheless.
I go through this every year in late winter/early spring , I call it "show jockeying"; what shows to apply to? which ones to let go?, which ones will jury me in, and which ones will give me the boot? Every year is different, and every year I don't know if I'll be in Albuquerque or Scottsdale, Breckenridge or Durango. Luckily I like being on the road and the challenges it brings, and just as lucky I'm a Pisces with a fair amount of adaptability to my name. Without this, and a good measure of resiliency, this lifestyle would be impossible.
And of course I can always go local. In the past 16 years I've sold at every combination of local market, clay fair, studio tour, trunk show, and wholesale venue that exists in this town. I've stood in the rain, sleet, snow, burning sun.. you name it, I've tried it. So if I have to get up at 5, be out with the farmers at 6, unload my tent and 40 pound weights and be ready to sell by 8, I can do it! .... At least I can sleep in my own bed!
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