Day; 34. Chilly with a few inches of snow on the ground. Mostly overcast. Temperature on outside kiln; 24
After a quick commando raid on Santa Fe Clay this morning to fetch some more clay (200 pounds of B-mix for $97.00) I sped back to the studio to have fun throwing on the potters wheel. And I did, without even much damage to my wrists or back or shoulders. However I did feel a little tied to the fence trying to knock out some special orders or "requests" as I call them for some return customers. If it's an order I have to make it, but if it is a request, I can make it when I please or never get to it at all and that's ok too.
A few years ago after losing money on several "orders" I vowed to just make what I make. If someone wants it they will buy it, if not, the next person will. This is much more fun than trying to satisfy the general public which is often an impossibility; the glaze isn't quite right, the bowl is too short, too high, too wide, too narrow. It doesn't match what they already have, etc....
Or just as likely, the kiln goes wonky, the piece cracks or sticks to the shelf and I have to chisel it off, breaking it in the process. Or any number of things that only happen when someone is waiting for the piece and needed it yesterday. STRESSS !!!! So I refuse to do them, and have been so good at keeping this pack with myself.. until February when there are no shows and therefore no income from the work. I weakened and agreed to make a few requests.. so far so good, but nothing has seen the kiln yet, so I will be a good potter and make two of everything in case the inevitable happens and something goes wrong.
I also finished the dinnerware set for NCECA from yesterday and have crossed all my fingers and toes. Lots of stuff drying and in process, not to mention the 3 day show in Albuquerque in 3 weeks time. Which sounds like a lot until you consider that it takes me a week to fill the kiln and another week to get everything fired. Which means I have one week to make wet work as they say... I think I will get up early and have a big cup of coffee in the morning.....
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