Day; 43. Cold, overcast and snowy. Temperature on outside kiln; 22
Firings; Image transfer firing to cone 02, 2000 degrees F. Turned kiln on at 5pm.
A good day to be in the studio, windy and cold outside so made a big fire and some hot tea and hunkered down in my snug domain. Happy as a clam in my little world of clay, dogs, and music. I am a lucky girl...
Checked my Instagram page a few times, well a lot actually, as I was listening to Pandora radio on the Ipad. It occurred to me how much this little skinny device has changed my world, both professionally and personally;
* I now have access to the Ultimate Guitar site whenever I go to band practice; this means I can download any song during rehearsal that we might be thinking of covering. I can change the key it is written in to fit my voice. And since so many songs are written my men and a little low in register for me, this is very handy. This saves a lot of time and paper, no more running off 6-7 copies of every song we might be thinking of. It will even play the song, diagram the chords and auto-scroll it down the page for you. How utterly cool is that.
And never, I repeat never, will we ever get caught singing in the wind again outside with sheets of music sailing in the air around us- how embarrassing!
*I would not be writing this blog everyday if not for my Ipad; The camera is fantastic, so easy to use and it takes great pictures. I can use them instantly to document what is going on that day and upload to blog and Instagram page. Having to write and document my studio life each day has changed me for the good. I see all that I do now and have a greater appreciation for myself as an artist and for my life in general. I am not such an ingrate anymore! I don't take my beautiful like for granted like I use to...
* I can access virtually anything from my bedside!; At night when my husband is watching shoot-em-up guy movies in the other room, I play songs I am considering singing, listen to my spiritual guides by the fire, check e-mail and Instagram sites. It is wonderful to lay by the fire and have the world at my fingertips, incredible really!! I can end my day with some meditation music or listen to Joss Stone sing, I love it.
* I am connected to other potters all over the globe; This is the most life-changing effect perhaps... I have become addicted to Instagram, I hope in a good way. I now "follow" other potters who live all across the globe and feel connected to them in ways I could never have hoped to before. It isn't just that my work is changing as a result, it has and continues to be, but more that I am not so isolated in my own studio anymore. I used to check out Pinterest every morning to get juiced up and motivated and now that has shifted to Instagram. I make a big cup of coffee in the morning and then site down with my Ipad and check out what my buddies are doing in Copenhagen, Brisbane, and Tasmania. It is fascinating to me to view their lives, work, homes, kids, and dogs. You get a real sense of these artists lives and I feel honored to be allowed to peer into them. I find I miss the companionship of other ceramic artists and have started to think about workshops in the U.S. and a trip to Central American with Potters for Peace.
All of this; a greater connection with my deeper self , with music, with other potters across this planet , and with my life in general would not have happened without my Ipad. I am so appreciative, thanks Steve!, your legacy lives on through others...
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