Non-studio day; Farmers Market Pavilion Building, rail yard district of Santa Fe. Sunday morning art market, dead of winter, post holiday season. My market-mate and ukulele player, Miya Endo, is in Switzerland ice dancing this week so no band practice during slow times today. This is very distressing, she keeps me awake and engaged for the 6 hours I have to sit here when all I really want to do is take a nap. It may be a long day without you Miya...
Remaining hopeful for some business however with a few tourists wandering around. More often than not it's a matter of patience and perseverance, waiting confidently for the right person to show up. The single best sale I've ever had was one such case; another Sunday morning, chilly for Scottsdale Arizona, mid-winter, raining even. No one in the fair grounds downtown except the artists themselves. I was feeling stupid and foolish for driving 500 miles across the Mogollon Rim to participate in the show. Not to mention the 500 miles back to Santa Fe across Northern Arizona and New Mexico...Right about then a woman approached me and said she wanted to buy something, great I thought, which piece? " I'll take this one, and this one, and this one, and this one..." She went on like this for several minutes eventually purchasing 11 pieces. Needless to say she made my weekend and confirmed my theory that one never knows, it only takes one person to make your day. So, patiently waiting then for my people to show up....
And they're not here yet, so in the meantime I gratefully sell Karen Gardner from Artful Tea next door the remaining cups for her shop. Halleluja, I have now make my table fee and am thinking perhaps Karen was it today. Ah well, I love selling my cups in her wonderful tea shop and further collaboration between the two of us is on it's way....
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