Thursday, March 3, 2016

More Interesting Projects ... Just What I Asked For!

Day; 261. Sunny and warm, very spring-like

Temperature on outside kiln; 55 degrees
kiln firings; image transfer firing to cone 02 in Big Mama kiln.
Music in the studio; Singer/songwriter David Ryan Harris, smoooooth...

Yesterday I was here... at band practice...

It was a little skinny without a guitarist but we managed thanks to the lovely Miya Endo who played all the melodies are her ukelele! I miss Julie B. who played many instruments for us, and also has a killer voice, but I think it is good for the rest of us, most especially myself, to step up our game and stretch ourselves musically. We also  have a new singer, Joanne S.  who loves harmony, and also can play percussion for us, something I have been wanting for awhile, so I am really excited about that...

Today was a glaze day, ho-hum, but it was beautiful today, simply marvelous, so I took the opportunity to go outside and water all 3 gardens. I spent the rest of the afternoon slowwwwwly glazing so as not to screw up next week's show too much!....

Now one more thing to do before American Idol at 7pm, (down to the top 10 singers!), and that is to write a proposal for the Santa Fe Opera in regards to appropriate items that I can wholesale in their retail shop. Of course their price point is very low so there isn't a lot to offer, what can I make for 20 bucks that is worth it!? Not much is the answer to that question,  but since it is mostly about operatic images, I think small little plates and trays are the answer, something that is flat that I can transfer images onto... like lunch and dinner plates...

Round or square, I think these little serving plates will be just the thing... easy to make and glaze, they afford a nice flat surface to collage images onto. Anyway, that's my solution and I hope they like it.. I imagine folks from all over the world coming to the SFO and seeing my work!

And buying some of course!

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