Monday, February 29, 2016

It's Raining Over Here.....

Day; 260. Sunny and warm again, spring is in the air!!

Temperature on outside kiln; 52 degrees
kiln firings; none
music in the studio; Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Post-Oscar binge, 5 hours of TV last night, I wonder if I have damaged some brain cells.... Loved, Loved, Loved Chris Rock! Hilariously funny and brutally honest when it came to #oscarssowhite... "hard to care about best foreign documentary short, when your grandmother is swinging from a tree.."!!!! Whoa, that was brave.... I also loved that he raised $65,000. in 5 minutes for his daughter's girl scout troop by just having all the millionaires in the audience buy some cookies!! I just loved that!!... "come on Leo you made 30 million for your movie, buy some cookies!!" Chris Rock for president!!

Anyway, back to the studio... spent the morning glazing and then I went to the mail box.... Whoa!! Big Surprise! I always hope there is going to be a check in the mail even when I know there isn't going to be... I always think every time I walk out there, "maybe someone sent me money today..." always an optimist I guess. Today it paid off!! I opened the box and there was a sweet lookin' little hand written/addressed envelope for me from someone is Santa Fe... Hmmm, I was instantly curious.. as it is my birthday week I just assumed someone sent me an early card.. But, no, a lengthy hand-written note from a friend's mother whom I had  not seem in 20 years!!?? With a check for one thousand dollars in it!! WHAT!!!!  I sorta collapsed right there in the street and started crying...

You see today is the last day of the month and tomorrow being the first of March I didn't really have much of a plan to get my bills paid beyond my well-worn Visa card... I was really nervous about using it again for my health insurance and electric bill and digging a deeper/bigger hole for myself. The relief that swept over me was so great that it knocked me to the ground... I sure hope none of the neighbors was lookin' out the window at that  moment, if they were they must have really wondered what was goin' on next door...

This is so out of left field that I just took it as the Universe looking out for me. I now know assistance can come from very unlikely places and I vow to see only variation/diversity in others and to bless them on whatever journey they happen to be on. To the Noyes women of Santa Fe, NM,  may you have the trip of a life time and I thank you from the deepest, most sincere place in my heart...

As I was jumping around and dancing in delight a few minutes later, this time in the privacy of my own studio, the phone rang... Someone from the community  wants to bring a house guest over in the morning to buy ceramics.... ! What a non-coincidence!! When it rains abundance sometimes it pours!!

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