Temperature on outside kiln; 45 degrees
Kiln firings; none, unloaded glaze firing this morning.
Music in the studio; Daniela Andrade
Whewwwww, busy, busy day. Just trying to juggle all the projects I have going and make sure everything is out of the kiln when it is suppose to be. I feel like I should make a studio flow chart... hmm , maybe not a bad idea... So much is suddenly coming down the pike... The Contemporary Clay Fair of course in two weeks, the Holiday Open Studio two weeks after that, and now as of today an order for 272 tiles due in about 5-6 weeks, of course right before the holidays!!?? Some potters up in Los Alamos want me to come up and do a workshop and today someone booked a private lesson for next week... Of course there are other special orders I am working on as well, but you get the idea..
However, I AM NOT COMPLAINING!! Just trying to get all my ducks in a row and plan ahead so that my life is not crazy or chaotic... slow and carefully wins the race....
Yesterday winter arrived in a big way as well....
Here is the back garden during the storm...
I spent yesterday and today waiting around for more decal paper to come in the mail and so decided to just pump out the 25 special order x-mas tiles for one of my clients. These needed to be glazed and fired which I did last night. I will deliver on Monday and those will be out of my studio and off my mind.. yeah! Also working on two shows for Santa Fe Clay, cup show next month and dinnerware show after the first of the year. Here are a few cups going back into the kiln for this exhibit during the holidays..
After I get this load of transfer ware completed and fired, I will also start on a large special order/wholesale order for big fancy downtown hotel... They will order this month for delivery in mid-Jan. Holy cow, as I write all this down I am getting a little nervous!! I am very blessed to make a living as a potter but sometimes it can be a little nerve-wracking, so much can go wrong..... !!
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