Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Couch Potatoes

Day; 245- 250! Sunny, windy, cold

Temperature on outside kiln; 34 degrees
kiln firings; none
music in the studio; Democracy Now with Amy Goodman

I'm cheating today!? But I have done virtually nothing in my studio since my last post 5 days ago, so I figure this post pretty much sums up the last couple of days, and catches me and my two readers up! Ha!

Anyway, don't know what to say or where to start. I have a deep need to make it positive, so I will try... Taking stock like I have never done before in my life, which is good.. Figuring out day by day how I want to live and what, if anything, I want to make out of clay. I am looking at some other ceramic work which hopefully excites me. I am mulling things over, percolating, brewing, masticating, hibernating, and all the other -ings... I know this will lead me somewhere I just don't know exactly where that is right now. I only know I can't make the same old work anymore, it used to be that a small change would satisfy my creative need and that as long as I changed the foot or rim or handle on a piece,  I was satisfied. That is no longer true, I seem to need to make much larger changes that are a bit nebulous and even a little scary. What this means for my work and show schedule I am not completely clear about.  I know I love working for myself, being at home with my dogs, being on the road, moving clay around, but I am so burnt out on the way I was making and selling that I don't have complete clarity right now... AND THAT IS OK!

I will find creative satisfaction again, I am sure of it, I just need a little time. Meanwhile, I am here on this couch with these creatures, not a bad place to be...

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