Day; 227. Sunny but really chilly...
Temperature on outside kiln 38 degrees
kiln firings; none
music in the studio; Afternoon Acoustic (Spotify)
It is Sunday and I am reading in bed because I believe I have finally binged watch every series on Netflix I could possible find... After feeling crummy for 2+ weeks I worked my way through them pretty quickly due to all the extra time lying around in my PJ's...
Today is a rest day after three days of prepping and then orchestrating the Holiday Open Studio I host every year at this time. I am usually the only studio open and have quite a loyal following and do very well for myself... except this year.... After a decade of opening my studio every year during the first weekend in December to all my loyal customers I seemed to have worn out my welcome... It was very empty, the lights were up, the luminarias were lit, and the cider was hot, but no one came, or hardly anyone in comparison to past experience. It was strange but also strangely I was ok with it; I read, I ate cookies, I made conversation with the few folks who did show up. I dissected what might have gone wrong.. not enough advertising, a deluge of Magpie Pottery already out in the world, too much competition with a Holiday Pop-Up down the street.. I don't know really but since I have two large commissions to complete I am already thinking of them and moving forward, I will re-evaluate next year and go from there...
I was sad however that hardly anyone was there to see how cute my studio looked all dressed up and no where to go... x-mas lights and farolitos included....
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