Monday, October 26, 2015

A Quiet Day...

Day; 211. Sunny and beautiful, ahhhhh New Mexcio!!

Temperature on outside kiln; 60 degrees
kiln firings; none
music in the studio; Steven Acho ( acoustic covers with great piano and nice vocals)

Handsome husband has gone up north past Taos towards Colorado for a day of fishing...this means there are no guitar students, power tools, or other machines running in the background... Ah... absolute quiet except for whatever music is on the Ipad through Spotify.. A rare treat. If  my ship ever comes in, it's been circling for years!, I will build him a workshop of his own. He so deserves it! And that would also  mean I would be less distracted by all the other projects on Joya Court he has going... someday.....

Mostly handbuilding today; more plates and some oval vases that I wanted to get done for the upcoming Clay Fair, as well as a special order that came through the internet... Loaded the bisque kiln 3/4 full and will have it loaded and firing tomorrow.
Also picked up the postcard for the Clay Fair next month, it looks so good, what an improvement over the past 10 years' design! Much fewer pictures which means they are much larger, which means much more impact, I like it!

Also starting to plan the holiday open house here at the pottery that is coordinated with several other open studios that same weekend... We will do a Friday opening and then be open all day on Saturday...  The usual flyers, press releases and on-line listings to be done for the entire group.. We have about 5 weeks to prepare and will need every minute of it!
In the meantime I am doing one more Saturday at the Railyard this weekend, which is Halloween. Better work on my costume!!?....

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