Friday, October 30, 2015

One Step Forward and Two Back

Day; 213. Rain, Rain, Rain! Lovely wet morning...

Temperature on outside kiln; 45 degrees
Kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; The Voice Perfomances on Spotify

Missed a few days.... dealing with unexpected life  happenings and old friends in town.... On my way to town two nights ago to catch up with my mentor/old professor from college, my Saab just stopped... There I was rounding the corner at Old Pecos Trail and nothing.... I coasted to the side of the road and called AAA. After standing on the side of the road for 45 minutes, I and my car got towed back to Eldorado and to our mechanic...  Yesterday morning we got the discouraging news that the car would take as much to fix the timing belt/value job as it was worth ... Looks like it is terminal... Hard news for us as we were just about to finally paint our house and get a few new windows put in, and it needs it so badly... Arggggggggg!!!!!

We are down to one car now and really need to sell our Dolphin/Toyota RV, anyone out there want to buy a very cute 80's refurbished Dolphin?! We have had several bites but as winter is coming on no one is seriously thinking of summer road trips in a new RV right now.... The feeling of one step forward and two back is rather strong this morning...
The fun part of the last two days was meeting up with Mr. Paul Wack (aka Wacko). Paul was my planning teacher at UCSB and also gave me a job grading papers for his large lecture classes. Funny, charming, smart, and very helpful, he guided me through my last two years of college, which I finally finished at the age of 29. I had not seen Paul in perhaps 20 years so it was great fun to sit and share a small meal last night and catch up on each other's lives. It took my mind off my car woe's and made me appreciate my life more as I showed him pictures and explained what I had been doing for the last two decades.

Today handsome husband and I are looking at used cars, considering a car payment on a used Nissan, and thinking about how to share a car between two artists and 4 huskies....
Later I will load up the Toyota Truck (good girl!, has never let me down) for the last Saturday at the Railyard Artists' Market tomorrow. It is pouring rain right now so I will wait until this afternoon and hopefully not have to do it wet..... sigh...

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Be Careful What You Think About....

Day; 212. Sunny and brillant. Fairly warm after a chilly morning walking the dogs at the Galisteo Basin Preserve

Temperature on outside kiln;
Kiln Firings; bisque kiln to Cone 04  (1,940 degrees)
Music in the studio; Vocal exercises with Anne Peckham again, trying to get my voice in shape for a gig at the Dixon Studio Tour next weekend....

Studio assistants for the day...

Truchas, Oso's brother,  is back for a day of doggie day-care.... They are very entertaining but not much good at rolling out clay.....

Nonetheless, I did get three vases put together today and that felt good.

One of them is for a special order in Crested Butte, crazy how once you leave the door open for special orders they come rushing in.... !!?? I swear I only had it slightly ajar but no one told my customers that... I am not complaining just marveling at the Law of Attraction and how it seems to operate in my life (That which is like, unto itself is drawn...)
As soon as I put my attention on something I seem to get more of it, whether it is wanted or not... !

Trying to decide if I should continue working or start up the pug mill.. I must have at least 300 pounds of  B-mix clay that needs to be reclaimed/remixed.... It is either now at 4pm in the afternoon with a dark beer or tomorrow morning with a strong cup of joe... Hm....  am with coffee seems safer...... !

Monday, October 26, 2015

A Quiet Day...

Day; 211. Sunny and beautiful, ahhhhh New Mexcio!!

Temperature on outside kiln; 60 degrees
kiln firings; none
music in the studio; Steven Acho ( acoustic covers with great piano and nice vocals)

Handsome husband has gone up north past Taos towards Colorado for a day of fishing...this means there are no guitar students, power tools, or other machines running in the background... Ah... absolute quiet except for whatever music is on the Ipad through Spotify.. A rare treat. If  my ship ever comes in, it's been circling for years!, I will build him a workshop of his own. He so deserves it! And that would also  mean I would be less distracted by all the other projects on Joya Court he has going... someday.....

Mostly handbuilding today; more plates and some oval vases that I wanted to get done for the upcoming Clay Fair, as well as a special order that came through the internet... Loaded the bisque kiln 3/4 full and will have it loaded and firing tomorrow.
Also picked up the postcard for the Clay Fair next month, it looks so good, what an improvement over the past 10 years' design! Much fewer pictures which means they are much larger, which means much more impact, I like it!

Also starting to plan the holiday open house here at the pottery that is coordinated with several other open studios that same weekend... We will do a Friday opening and then be open all day on Saturday...  The usual flyers, press releases and on-line listings to be done for the entire group.. We have about 5 weeks to prepare and will need every minute of it!
In the meantime I am doing one more Saturday at the Railyard this weekend, which is Halloween. Better work on my costume!!?....

Saturday, October 24, 2015

It's Hip to be Square...

Day; 210.  Cloudy most of the day and definitely chilly this morning.

Temperature on outside kiln 50 degrees
kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; Eric Halter on Spotify and the Potters Cast downloaded from Itunes

Wow, a Saturday in the studio! How strange it was to sleep in and not be selling ceramics somewhere,  I almost didn't know what to do with myself! But after a breakfast in town with my sister, I came home and had a very happy afternoon making lunch plates and square mugs/tumblers. I love to throw a very thick cylinder and then facet it into a sharp square. I love the crisp lines this creates instead of just paddling a round form into a soft square with a paddle. I think it works with my pieces  a lot better. I can then use my vintage fabric prints to embellish the surface without having to go around curves or corners, which is impossible without tearing or wrinkling the image. In any case,  I am stoked about these cups and mugs and can't wait to see what they look like finished....

Friday, October 23, 2015

Where's Pepe?!

Day; 209. Sunny and beautiful, a bit damp still.

Temperature on outside kiln; 59 degrees.
kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; Trijntje Oosterhuis (Dutch pop and jazz singer who likes to cover Burt Bacharach and Stevie Wonder tunes, my fave...!)

Finally getting some work done this week, and it's Friday! Oh well, took me all week to get rolling!? I finished the pieces I started yesterday and I think they came out good... cute little pouring thingies.. 

I guess these are creamers, although I am not sure anyone uses creamers anymore... But potters love to make pourings vessels of any sort ( so fun to put all the pieces together..!) so I guess I am just having fun... After posting on Instagram someone wants one without them even being glazed yet so I guess that is a good sign..

Also heard from two project managers today about commissions that I have been wondering about...
 Wholesaling to the fancy downtown historic hotel is a go! Orders will be placed in Nov. for a mid-Jan. delivery, perfect! The slow time of year, maybe I will get through this winter ok...!
Also got an email from the tile commission people ( 300+ tile for hotel renovation), final meeting to discuss budget and tile design for 14 new showers is set for next week. God I hope I dont have to have them done before X-mas...!? I will have to hire someone to help me... HELP  Pepe, I need you! The shy-but-hardworking-intern rides again.... ! You cant move to Seattle yet until you help me roll out 300 tiles... !!
Here comes the Holiday crush.... !!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Snow in October...!

Day; 208. Cloudy and cold, thick sheet of ice on my windshield as I prepared to go get coffee at 7am... Jemez Mountains across the valley dusted with snow on October 22nd...!? yikes...

Temperature on outside kiln; 48 degrees
kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; Vocal exercises with Anne Peckham on the Ipod, (and the dog Leona in the background on the higher tones)

Cold morning in the studio.., luckily we have about 3-4 cords of wood squirreled away for the winter... Nice and toasty in there by the time I built a fire and then ran down to the local coffee shop and back for some strong morning espresso. And of course Whoo's donuts to go with it since it is Thursday and they actually have them....(still stuck on Blue Corn/lavendar, probably never going to stray from them...)

As I drove back to the studio from the coffee shop, I got a grand view of the Jemez mountains clearly dusted with a good amount of snow. Mid-October seems a tad early for the white stuff but it was so beautiful nonetheless. And as I gazed out the studio window into the backyard upon returning home, I thought for a split section that it had hailed in the backyard... But then I realized they were awfully large hailstones and that I should investigate... Sure enough there was white stuff  spread all over the backyard but it was not the kind that falls from the sky but rather the kind that blows in the wind after two puppies have their way with a new cushion... Here is the culprit looking guilty and she should be...

After cleaning up as best I could, with  no help from Oso or Kai by the way, I made pieces for little creamers and vases. Can't wait to put them all together tomorrow; bodies + bottoms+ handles+ spouts= something wonderful to use everyday.....

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Maggie and one lonely Magpie

Day; 207. Dramatic change in the weather... Huge thundershowers, lightening, pouring rain...
Temperature on outside kiln; 50 degrees
kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; Maggie and the Magpie's.... !

The weeks fly by.... It is Wednesday again, which means, you guessed it, band practice. Since our lead guitarist is out of town, I decided to have practice at my house this week. Due to inclement weather I had only one Magpie show up today but that was just fine.... Miya plays a mean rhythm Uke and can sing back up as well... It was kinda like old times when it was just Miya on the uke and me singing while we idled away the time in our booths at art fairs. We went over all the new songs as best we could without a lead guitar and bass with the exception of "Bring it On Home", just doesn't translate well on the ukelele! ( I am sure Sam Cook would agree!).
Mid-afternoon now and it is still pouring rain, I so want to go back to bed with a good book  rather than make pots... I have built fires in the studio and the house to drive the chill away as we have no other source of heat for our house. Love the feeling of a cosy house/studio with fires burning...  maybe I will climb into bed!......

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Makin' Stuff....

Day; 206. Overcast, rainy. A real fall day,  bright yellow aspen leaves scattered in the driveway...
temperature on ouside kiln; 55 degrees
kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; Spotify: Afternoon Acoustic

Little scoops, breakfast plates, square tumblers... all just to restock from last weekend. I did sell a large vase on Saturday for a very good price so I think after restocking all the little stuff I will go back to working on some large handbuilt vases and pitchers. Same paper pattern for both just need to add a handle and spout for the pitcher. A bit tricky to hand-build from slabs but since I am just a so-so wheel-thrower it is easier than centering and pulling thin walls on the potters wheel for me....

I love days like today.. rainy, chilly, fire in the wood stove.. I don't pine to be anywhere else, just snug and warm in the studio makin' stuff..When is it gorgeous outside it is a little harder to focus but when the season turns I am so happy to be indoors with dogs and music. Now if it was snowing that would be even better makin' weather... !

Monday, October 19, 2015

Back to... Something....

Day; 205. Warm and sunny. A lovely October day...
Temperature on outside kiln; 64 degrees
Kiln Firings; none
Music in the studio; The Potters Cast; Interview with Tom Budzak

Beautiful fall day after a last dinner out in the back garden yesterday  and then a down pour later in the night! No studio work to speak of today, just had to rest my body, go to the bank, drop a sample off, that kind of thing. Trying to re-group and re-focus in order to have the mojo to make another body of work. At this point, right before the holiday rush, it is really all about inventory, inventory, inventory... So, looking at what is left and what sold at the Eldo Fall Show this past weekend and planning my week to fill the kiln with lots of basic inventory; small plates, mugs, cups. The usual. I want to make a few wall pieces however that have been running around my brain, gotta keep it interesting for myself as well.

Still waiting to hear about 300+ special order of tiles and hotel wholesale.. That is fine with me, if I can get through the next month of making then I will be much more inclined to welcome these projects into my studio... stay tuned...
In the meantime, here are a few pics from the weekend, I haven't been posting any images lately, so here are a few....

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Watching Water Boil...

Day; 204. sunny, warm, beautiful fall day again....!

Temperature on outside kiln; 75 degrees
kiln firings; decal firing to  cone 02 ( about 2000 degrees)
Music in the studio; mellow piano sonata stuff...

In the studio at 7am finishing work for the opening tomorrow!!?? A day late and a dollar short?! Finally finished all the image transfer at noon that I couldnt bear to get done last night after 3 hours of Maggie and Magpie's practice... Kiln is firing until about 8pm tonight and then just watching it cool all morning tomorrow which is kinda like watching water boil, really boring and not much to do...
 I will load the truck and get my "show outfit" together however... As I normally look like a female mud wrestler I like to take the occasion of a show opening to spruce up a bit, it is the only time I get to wear nice clothes...
 So, grab the change, the  paypal card reader, the wrapping paper and the bags... it'sssss SHOW TIME!!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Errands, Errands, and more Errands

Day; 203. Sunny with record highs throughout the area. Beautiful!
Temperature on outside kiln;
kiln firings; glaze kiln cooling..... 16 hours and counting...
Music in the studio; Democracy Now with Amy Goodman (pretty much every day at 4pm)

Just one of those days where I ran around Santa Fe and did errands. That and computer work, endless details to attend to for next months Contemporary Clay Fair. Waiting for glazeware to come out of kiln so that I can move on to the fun part; image transfer!!

Listening to Bonnie Raitt, Ed Sheeran and Lauren Hill, trying to ready myself for tomorrow's band practice. The Voice season 9 has started so that Mondays and Tuesdays I am glued to my TV feeling really ridiculous about my own singing.. These kids are sooo good that I dont know why I even attempt to sing at all.. Oh well, I can only work with the voice I have....

Monday, October 12, 2015

Crusty Butt Just Keeps on Giving...

Day; 202. Back to Summer! Warm, beautiful, gorgeous day!! Out in the garden with 5, yes 5, huskies... Our four and Oso's  brother Truchas whom we are pet sitting. Is there a difference between 4 huskies and 5? Well, yes, we no longer all fit in the kitchen...  However, I do believe we would have a shot at the Iditerod...

Temperature on outside kiln; 78 degrees
Kiln firings; glaze firing to cone 6 (2,210  degrees with a 10-minute hold), about 8.5 hours.
Music in the studio; Vocal exercises with Ann Peckham; ma, meh, me, mo, moo!!!

A long day of continuous glazing... rather boring to talk about at this point, you've heard it all before. I'm getting ready for the Fall EACA show this Friday night and Saturday;

Usually a really fun show to do, quick, easy, inexpensive, indoors ( no wind to worry about) And a parking lot full of pumpkins to choose from, what more could a girl ask for?

After getting the kiln going around 4:30, my very best customer from Crested Butte dropped by and bought 3 pieces... What a nice surprise to see her and make unexpected without-leaving-home income. Some days I love being a potter! That Crested Butte show just keeps on giving... Did I mention how much I love Texans... ?

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hello Wholesale!

Day; 201. Sunny and beautiful. A little breezy. Gorgeous Fall day....

Temperature on outside kiln; 59 degrees
Kiln firings; bisque kiln to cone 04 ( 1,945 degrees)
Music in the studio; Bonnie Raitt (practicing  "Something to Talk About" ...  for our next gig)

Long and interesting meeting this morning with the buyer for the fancy downtown hotel interested in my work.. Felt guardedly optimistic going into it and now really feeling excited about it. NEVER thought I would say that about wholesale/consignment...!!  However,  she really knows what she is doing and answered all my endless questions with grace and enthusiasm. And I did grill her for about 1.5 hours...

*what is your price point?
* what percent of the retail price are you taking?
*how many other functional potters will be in the store?
* when are you launching the re-opening?
*how much space do you expect me to stock?
*how old is your store manager? (in other words, can they do social media without freaking out?)
* do you have a separate website from the hotel? a separate Instagram presence, logo. signage? etc...
* do you expect exclusivity from me in the downtown area or can I sell my work in other venues near by?
* do you expect that I will sell my work myself at the same hotel-prices?
* do you have a minimum amount of work you want each month?
* mid-century designs or birds/bees?
* consignment for 6 months and then wholesale? or?
* functional or decorative..

I think you get the picture.. After answering these questions and more, I felt really satisfied. With 22 years experience in the retail world, this person knew what she was talking about. And I also came away with a different idea about wholesale vs. consignment; if I set the price I need to get for the piece that I think is fair for MYSELF then it is up to the hotel to sell it for whatever they feel they can get for it. I was always under the assumption that with consignment I still owned the piece and I set the retail price.. But this was not what she was saying; I ask for what I need and then they want the freedom to sell it retail for whatever they want, either way, wholesale or consigment, I have no say in the final retail price. Hmmm, interesting, I have never done business like this before. A first I didn't like it, but if I am getting what I need out of it, what does it matter? As long as I am not expected to meet those prices myself in town, then I am cool with that.

And they are launching at the slow/soft time of the year for me, Jan-Feb. This could work! I imaging selling a lot of work to tourists and having someone else shipping it, I like it!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

My 200th Day....

Day; 200!!!! I finally made it!
Temperature on outside kiln; 55 degrees
kilns firings; none
music in the studio; Tales of a Redclay Rambler; various interviews with ceramic artists around the country..

 I finally got to my 200th blog day. I didn't think it would ever come stranded in the 100 numbers as I was for so very, very long. But here it is and I feel like maybe some day I will get to my 365th....

Today as I was finishing up the pieces I really should have finished yesterday for Saturday's bisque firing, I continued to binge-watch (listen..) to both the Potters Cast and Tales of a RedClay Rambler. I am so thankful to Potter  Miya Endo for reminding me that these two ceramic-oriented Pod Casts exists; I am now fascinated by what other potters are doing/making/thinking/marketing and I cannot stop listening. It has really made me think about my own business in both deeper and different ways then I had previously...

 I ask myself questions like;
 Do I have the stomach for production? In other words if the large retailer Anthropologie orders 2,000 breakfast plates, can I make it through that ordeal without shooting myself in the head? Not so sure.... And how would I have to change my studio practices to make this work for myself?
As I am about to meet with one of the largest, most popular hotels in Santa Fe to talk about selling my work in their gift store, I am really trying to do the sane thing and not over-commit and under-price myself. What can I make that would still make sense at 60% of the retail price for myself?

Will my customers flee my booth in droves if my mugs are suddenly over the $40. mark? Listening to a potter from Canada who was asked on average how much should a mug be, answering $125.00, I gasped. She went on to lament how under-priced American ceramics were. She thought hobbyist should sell their mugs for the price I am currently thinking about but too afraid to implement, but that ceramicist with a 20-year career span should ask well over a hundred dollars.  Hmmm.... makes a girl think....

Could I do retail again? Could I sell my work and other potters in a brick and mortar storefront? Would I again, want to run off a cliff from boredom, repetition, having to deal with the public?

How can I use social media to up my presence and get my work and "brand" more recognizable? (Do I really have to re-open my Facebook account or can I just limp along with Instagram which I vastly prefer?)

How can I get on the workshop circuit more regularly so that I can, in effect, sell my experience instead of all that inventory? (How long until my knees and wrists give way?!)

These are just a few of things that ran through my head today as I listened to other potters relate their histories, experiences, studio practices, marketing strategies.. I'm not sure I came up with any solid  solutions for myself but I do feel like starting to ask these and similar  questions is movement in the right direction....

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Definition of "Retail"

Day; 199. Cloudy and cool, an early Fall day....

Temperature on outside kiln; 58 degrees
Kiln Firings; none
Music in the studio;  The Potters Cast Podcast; How to Price Pots

After a very good band practice with Maggie and the Magpie's (17 songs rehearsed!?), I came home to finish the work I started yesterday and to consider my business practices around wholesaling and consignment, YET AGAIN!?
I am reconsidering this issue once more due to being approached by one of Santa Fe's premiere downtown hotels. Apparently they are relaunching their gift shop in  2016 and plan on carry a variety of local artists' work. The bottom line is they are interested in carrying my work but do not want to buy it outright but rather consign it in their new improved space.
But why is it that retailers are willing to buy at wholesale all their inventory EXCEPT ART? I've never understood that... How many times have shop owners extolled the virtues of my work and adamantly assured me  that they could sell it, but were not willing to take a chance and buy it outright for resell. If they are so sure they can sell it then why are they reluctant to purchase it? I DON'T GET IT!!!!
This is THE PREMIER hotel downtown and they can't buy  my pots? Don't they have to purchase all the other items that they sell?! Do they consign the soda pop, the newspapers, the magazine, the books, the maps? NOOOOO, they buy them and then resell them. That is the definition of a retailer.... Argggg, don't get me started... but I guess I'm  already on a rant... .
 Well, we will cuss and discuss and see what can be negotiated..... It might be a very good way to fund the slower winter months so I am willing to put "wholesaling" on the table. We will see if they bite.... 

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

17 Years Is a Long Time....

Day; 198. Sunny and sorta warm, a beautiful fall day in the Southwest.

Temperature on outside kiln; 65 degrees
Kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; varied assortment of favorites on my Ipod.

I had a phone call from a woodworker today who has just recently moved to New Mexico. She had all kinds of questions about selling work in the area; what worked, what didn't, what show was worth it, what wasn't, galleries vs. selling it yourself, etc.... In the process of answering her queries, I came to appreciate how many selling strategies I have developed since relocating to Santa Fe from Colorado in 1998.

Wow, I really gave her an earful, but I guess that was what she was asking for...!  I spoke about the Creative Tourism website, both it's history and how it is working today. I gave her a rundown on how the Artists Market started with a handful of potters and how it has evolved into a weekly market with artists from diverse disciplines. I told her about the shows in Santa Fe, Albuquerque, and surrounding areas/states. I mentioned the Clay Fair and how it started/evolved over the last decade. We also spoke a lot about teaching, something she has been very involved in previously. I ended up summarizing my numerous teaching experiences in the area from the Community College, to Santa Fe Clay, to one-on-one in my own studio. I almost launched into the issue of Open Studio Tours but she is 15 miles south of Galisteo where currently there is none. The strange part too is that we both have college degrees in Urban/Land Use Planning... an odd co-inkydink.

I also came to realize how many bodies of work I have made... Hundreds?  From tiled walled pieces to tableware to porcelain jewelry.... I have really run the gamut. The other thing I came to appreciate about myself as an artist in Santa Fe is how many of these shows/venues/ exhibits I have been instrumental in either starting myself or with a group of others. A lot of them in fact. It feels good to know I have pushed/pulled the art scene in Santa Fe along not just for myself but for many other potters as well.  So after hanging up the phone and walking back into the studio from the front garden I had a  good feeling for Magpie Pottery and all that I have  done for both myself and all potters/artists living and working  in New Mexico...

Monday, October 5, 2015

Rest and Recovery....?

Day; 197. Overcast, grey. Fall is here....
Temperature on outside kiln; 59 degrees
Kiln firings; none
Music in the studio; Spotify: Piano Bar

A little R&R would be nice, but it is not to be.... After my Friday teaching session with Hollywood/Ex-CIA operative types, I spent the weekend in  Cathedral Park doing a show. Unfortunately the weather did not hold out and I  had to stand in the wind and some rain for a large part of it. I did some business but I kept waiting for my new fancy friends to come by (they were staying only one block away...!) and buy half my inventory ( they could afford it!). That was not to be either. Damn that would have made even a better story..!
Half frozen and very tired I came home last night and literally fell into bed. I think I spent about 12 hours last night in a supine position watching movies, reading, and getting some sleep. Today I started on the next show, 10-11 days from now, by rolling out slabs for more plates and platters. I have exactly 3 days to make work for the next bisque firing on Saturday. I figure if I make until Wednesday, and quick dry Thursday/Friday, I can get the kiln going on the weekend. Not much time to make enough work for a kiln load so the slab roller was heatin' up today as I rolled at a very fast pace. Tomorrow I will throw some cups/tumblers and Wednesday a few larger fill-in pieces and hope that is enough to make it worthwhile to use a lot of electricity on Saturday for the bisque firing... Good thing donuts are only a dollar on Mondays and that I stocked up for the next couple of days at Whooo's. It appears I am going to need the extra fuel...

Friday, October 2, 2015

Potter to the Stars.....

Day; 196.  A little cloudy, some sprinkles... Is Fall on it's way now?
Temperature on outside kiln; 76 degrees
Kiln Firings; none
Music in the studio; non-studio day.

OMG, I just had the weirdest, but fun, teaching experience of my long career...  Today I was a Potter to the Stars (very rich and famous Hollywood types and CEOs). One of the downtown fancy hotels was turned over to a large group of actors, actresses, writers, etc... who had come to Santa Fe for a conference. For some reason they wanted a crafts tent complete with a ceramics studio and a glory hole for glass blowing. There were 7-8 teachers, with assistants, and 20 students/rich and famous types.  An ex-CIA operative poured champagne for the students! It was funny though, after getting over the surprise that  the person sitting next to you starred in the block buster movie you saw last month, they just became regular ole' humans playing around with clay.
But Jesus, the security! I thought maybe the Pope had heard about it and decided to show up... The place was a fortress complete with roving bands of big burly types, bomb sniffing dogs, and secret passwords!! Luckily I was in the know, so they let me in, but I felt like I had landed in a spy movie! Never has throwing on the potters wheel been so heavily guarded..!?
Home now and exhausted after a hot bath and a cold beer. Gotta get up early for a show downtown tomorrow, (God, I hope all the rich Hollywood folks cross the street and come to the show!) so off to Netflix and bed.....

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Pre-show Prep....

Day; 195. Sunny and warm, it doen't seem to change. Although now that September is officially over and October has arrived, we could have a freeze by month's end....

Temperature on outside kiln; 75 degrees
Kiln Firings; unloading the last of the decal firings for this weekends show in Cathedral Park
Music in  the studio; Spotify: singer/songwriter Kina Granis. Check out some of her youtube videos, great singer!

Just getting ready for the show this weekend in downtown Santa Fe; redoing my display units, sanding pot bottoms, unloading the last kiln load, packing and pricing.. you know the drill by now.

Also lots of work today to get the Contemporary Clay Fair off and running for the November show; Contracts/invoices  to artists, special event licenses from the CIty, money to venue, design postcard, buy retail supplies, etc...  An incredible amount of detail for such a small show..! Luckily I have 6 people helping me!!
I have also decided to spend an hour finishing my article/tutorial on Image Transfer with Cone 6 Glazeware. I am almost done, I have been putting it off for a good year now and I am really, really, close, so here I go... see you tomorrow....